Improve your learning and your teaching abilities

Mindful Effective Learning (MEL) is an effective and mindful way of learning
MEL is an effective and mindful way of learning that enables you to reach educational goals and generate self development.
Become a ME learner by training your self-regulating skills, managing emotions, increasing awareness, and using effective study strategies.

Mindful Effective Teaching (MET) is an effective and mindful way of teaching
MET is an effective and mindful way of teaching that enhances your enthusiasm, your self-efficacy and your well-being.
Become a ME teacher by training your listening skills, managing emotions, increasing awareness, and using effective teaching techniques.
We are an experienced and motivated team. We wish to put our skills to the service of the diffusion and development of MEL and MET.
Our project aims to create courses, networks, publications and research to diffuse and develop the culture of MEL and MET.
Our paper on MEL
Corti, L.; Gelati, C. Mindfulness and Coaching to Improve Learning Abilities in University Students: A Pilot Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 1935.
Our courses
MEL Courses
We offer a Group course and an individual course in order to learn how to learn in a conscious and effective way (ME) adapted for all those who want to improve their learning skills, reach their training goals and realize their potential.
A Test Preparation Course is suitable for those who have to take a test or an exam and want to manage their emotional load.
A Vocational course aimed at those who want to identify their vocation in line with the choice of an adequate training path.
MET Courses
The Group course and the individual course useful for the development of a mindful and effective way of teaching (ME) is suited for anyone who would like to teach effectively, safeguarding their psychological well-being and their motivation for the teaching mission.
Course for MEL facilitators
The MEL facilitator course is a pathway that trains MEL learning facilitators. The acquired skills can be integrated into an existing professional profile or outline a new one as a facilitator of learning.
The course issues a MEL facilitator certificate which is not currently accredited at a istitutional level. The MEL-MET Association has, as its mission, the accreditation of this certificate.
The MEL-MET Association needs to create a network of facilitators in order to spread MEL amongst learning contexts.
Mindfulness is useful for MEL and MET because it favors creativity, awareness, presence and self-regulation.
Coaching is useful for MEL because it is oriented towards achieving goals and defining strategies to achieve them.
Praise for MEL course

Federica Catalano
MEL 2021
“Mel allowed me to approach studying with greater serenity and awareness.”

Paola De Mizio
MEL 2021
“Mel is a unique sharing experience that I will never forget..”

Giuseppe Porziungolo
MEL 2021
“MEL is an experience you do not expect but it is the experience you need.”

Mavi Varriale
MEL 2021
“Thanks to Mel I have learned to know myself, my limits and to appreciate more the goals I reach.”

Sabrina Cavallo
MEL 2021
“MEL taught me that you need to have courage to face your fears.”

Giovanni Montanile
MEL 2021
“The Mel provided me with effective study strategies that changed my life.”

Giuditta Pagnotto
MEL 2020
“The kindness we show towards our shadows will make them a little less dark. This and much more I learned attending MEL.”

Laura Arianna
MEL 2020
“MEL accompanied me in an internal analysis that allowed me to focus on my goals making my study more effective.”

Anna Nasti
MEL 2020
“Mel enriched my study method by providing me with “skillful means” to achieve my goals with awareness.“

Pietro Paone
MEL 2020
“MEL gave me the opportunity to meet fantastic people but above all to know the real me.””

Fernanda D'Aco
MEL 2020
“Mel invited me to be kind to myself and taught me that reasoning and organization are the keystone for all things.”

Fabiana Cimino
MEL 2019
“MEL course helped me a lot, both because I understood the mistakes I made when I organized my study sessions, and from the human point of view.“

Sofia Bufo
MEL 2019
“An experience that allows you to get to know yourself better and to become aware of yourself for a more efficient study session.”

Carla Freda
MEL 2019
“An experience that allows you to get to know yourself better and to become aware of yourself for a more efficient study session.”

Stefano De Mart.
MEL 2018
“MEL was an experience of passage. I have learned that every restlessness has its motives and that every motive has so much beauty behind it.“

Gianmarco De Vita
MEL 2018
“A course that you will never see in your academic career… for the first time students are an active part of the lesson …”

Valentina Pace
MEL 2017
“During the MEL course, there was a comparison and exchange of ideas that I never expected.”

Marianton. Montever.
MEL 2017
“At the end of each meeting, I felt like a different person, stronger and, at the same time, with a wider cultural background,”

Valeria Cafasso
MEL 2017
“The support of a group gives a lot of energy and allows the comparison between different ways of doing and thinking.“

Daniele Pollastro
MEL 2017
“A path that opens the mind and provides indispensable and valuable tools to learn and live better.”

Federica Forlingieri
MEL 2017
“I discovered meditation, I learned to listen more to others, I understood how to best organize my study sessions, I learned to know myself better.”

Laura Villano
MEL 2017
“It allows you to acquire the tools to approach studying in the best way and to learn more about your persona, your strengths, your limits and accept them.“

Davide Di Roberto
MEL 2016
“With this course I could look inside myself, discover my motivations, look at my goals clearly and this was a salvation.”

Antonio Fauci
MEL 2016
“You could meet wonderful people who can give you a” brick” with which to build your future!“
“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.“